Blog 3

  • How diverse is your existing PLN?

The diversity of my PLN is getting stronger and stronger as I use the Internet for a long time. I have registered more and more websites to enrich my PLN. According to different purposes, I divide my PLN into three categories: entertainment, social and work.Entertainment includes: YouTube, Tiktok. I often watch some interesting videos on it. Social classes include WeChat, Instagram and Facebook. I share photos on it and chat with my friends. Working classes include LinkedIn and Glassdoor. I usually learn about the work and salary of some economics majors.

  • In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?

In my PLN, I think I prefer to listen to other people’s ideas. I am willing to accept and try to understand everyone’s different ideas. I think this can help me to grasp the deeper level of content.

  • Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide range of interests)?

I once participated in information sharing on the school website. In the discussion section of Brightspace, I often share some views on professional knowledge with my classmates and teachers.

  • How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?

I think a diversified PLN helps to improve our inclusiveness. In PLN, we can understand the ideas of different people. They may come from different cultures, have different education levels, or have different growth environments. Various reasons can make them have different views and understanding of the same event. Reading and trying to understand these ideas will help to improve our inclusiveness.

  • In your professional setting of choice, do you think inclusion is actively embraced?

My professional field is economy. I think the inclusiveness of this major has been actively accepted. There are many industries in this professional field, and many international students choose this major. Most people have positive ideas about this major. The emergence of many students from different backgrounds makes this major more diversified. Everyone is also willing to accept different ideas from others and listen to their opinions carefully. I think my major has completed a good task in terms of diversity and inclusiveness.

  • What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

I will enrich my learning achievements by searching the content I am interested in and the content recommended by the system. The system often recommends similar content to me through my search records, which I think will help enrich my learning achievements. For example: I used to search YouTube for tutorials on resume modification. After that, the system often recommends similar content to me, which makes me know more about this knowledge.

  • How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?

I have a deeper understanding that inclusiveness is inevitable when developing my PLN. The inclusion of content and other people’s viewpoints allows us to acquire more knowledge.

1 Comment

  1. chloeian0329

    Hello Valerie,
    Yes, I agree that inclusivity is definitely inevitable when developing PLN. Also, as my blog says, inclusion isn’t just about including someone, it’s about making inclusion meaningful. Thank you!

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