Month: December 2021

Peer review for other group

Group project: the impact of PLN on the Epidemic (final project)

Hello everyone,

When I clicked into your group’s website, I was attracted. Your group used some colorful photos to make this look more interesting. Three different knowledge sections discussed the relationship between PLN and pandemic, the impact of PLN in pandemic and the importance of PLN during pandemic. It involves a lot of aspects and provides references, which is a work with high integrity. In terms of content, I am most interested in the safety mentioned in “the importance of PLN in the Epidemic”. The inclusivity in PLN helps people get in touch with new knowledge and new people, and express their views more directly. But at the same time, our privacy also respects the risk of being exposed. How to keep privacy when accepting the benefits of PLN is a problem we need to consider.

In short, your group’s work is really well completed. Thank you for sharing.

Group members: Chloe Ian, Zhefu Li, Ruobing Bai.


I choose to show blog1,blog2,blog3,blog7 and blog8.

The first one choose to grade is blog 1:

What does it mean to network using social media?

With the rapid development of the Internet in the 21st century, most people choose to create their own social media on the network, which has become a mainstream trend. By watching videos, I think the establishment of social media on the Internet means that people’s contact becomes more convenient and people’s contact with society becomes closer. While providing a platform for people to communicate with others, the Internet also helps people have the opportunity to understand real-time information from all over the world. Various functions mean that the establishment of social media on the network means the progress of communication methods and has a significant impact on the evolution of learning methods. 

How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

Because the network is a very important factor in career in today’s society, people are encouraged to participate in networked public.I think the best way to encourage them to use it is to let them understand the benefits of this feature.It can attract the public from the aspects of purpose, inclusion, usefulness, security, and offering choice.

What are the risks & rewards of public communications?

The biggest risk of public communication is the control of users’ private information. Danah mentioned that “even reaching true control is nearly impossible because control presents many things that are often untenable.” this is very important because it means that the possibility of privacy information exposure will not be completely solved at the present stage. In addition, the control of information is not as simple as we think. Any mistake in operation may cause a large number of leakage of user privacy. Data workers need to be highly concentrated at all times to ensure the security of the database.Despite the risk of information exposure, the return brought by public communication can not be ignored. Public communication provides users with a variety of information sources and channels to help users understand the latest news. Get the most efficient return with the lowest cost.

What is a digital identity?

A digital identity is the online identity that a person shows to others on the network. It is a plate that can represent the user’s personal identity and personal characteristics. According to the content shared by the user, interaction with others, search records and a series of aspects that can analyze personal characteristics, it shows the entity information that the user may exist to others.

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

Digital identity can often represent a person’s self without disguise in the most relaxed state. Because a person can have many social accounts, such as Facebook and instagram. It is difficult for users to disguise themselves all the time. They can often expose their true self on social software. The interviewer can use this as a pre interview. Before the real interview invitation, try to find out whether this person is the talent the enterprise really needs on the Internet. This is very beneficial because it can save time for both sides and avoid recruiting employees whose personal ideas are opposite to the corporate culture. However, this does not mean that digital identity and social media will only bring more challenges to candidates’ career. There are many people whose resumes or grades are not the most attractive to the interviewer. The interviewer will give him extra points according to his performance on social media, such as enthusiasm for new things, inclusiveness to society and other positive personality characteristics. In short, social media and digital identity can have a great impact on the user’s career, both positive and negative, depending on the user’s own conditions.

How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and/or benefits?

The combination of digital identity and networked public is a trend. When we expose our thoughts and reading footprints to the networked public, it means that our digital identity is also tracked. This may have a negative impact, for example: personal ideas are over amplified and analyzed, resulting in misunderstanding. But at the same time, we can also benefit from it, such as showing personal charm to people who have not been contacted offline, attracting more friends and bosses, and then getting more opportunities.


Danah Boyd(2012), Networked Privacy,

Eric Stoller(2016), What is Digital Identity,

What is a Personal Learning Network (PLN)?,

The second choose to grade is blog 7:

Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes of a PLN in a professional capacity.

PLN allows the audience to receive open and inclusive real information. As Mr. Brad Baker said, PLN allows the voice to tell the truth to exist. The shared story will not appear false information because of political position or private interests. Compared with second-hand information or third-hand information, the form of PLN dissemination of information is more meaningful. In addition, allow more influential people to exist and work together to maintain the health of the community.

Which social media platforms are beneficial in education?

There are many social media platforms that are good for education. As mentioned in Alec couros’ article, it is most important to understand how these tools work and how to use them in combination with learning. In my opinion, YouTube is a good educational platform. Its video coverage is very wide and there are many choices. We can find what we are interested in and use it as a tutorial to learn knowledge.

Consider the equality that exists when all have the same platform to engage community dialogues.

I think that when everyone has the same platform to participate in community dialogue, the existing equality is that everyone can have the same opportunity to express their views. In addition, everyone has the same opportunity to become an influential person through the platform.


Couros, A. (2010). Developing personal learning networks for open and social learning. In Velestianos, G., (Eds.). Emerging technologies in distance education. (pp. 109-128). AU Press. 

Miller. (2021, June 10). Brad Baker EDCI 338. YouTube.